How was International Roma Day celebrated in the country?
Part of forming a cultural identity is choosing a day to celebrate an important event that has shaped a community. One such significant date for the Roma community is 8 April, chosen as International Roma Day in 1971, when the first World Roma Congress began in London, and during which the Roma anthem and flag were adopted. Since then, it has been celebrated as a symbol of the Roma movement, of Roma from all over the world uniting in their quest to fit equally into the globalising modern world.
As every year, the CIDT “Amalipe”, together with many educational mediators and official institutions, commemorated the International Roma Day with various events.
Sliven Region
Primary School “Dr. Petar Beron”, village of Zhelyu Voyvoda, Municipality of Sliven celebrated the International Roma Day with a flower ceremony.
And in the village of Pet Mogili celebrated the holiday with an introduction to the culture and traditions of the Roma. Pupils from the St. Kliment Ohridski Primary School prepared a small theatre play set before the wedding of Ahmed and Gülshen.
In the village of Kamen, Sliven region, they celebrated Roma Day by throwing flowers into the river, as a form of commemoration of the Romani victims during WWII.
Dobrich Region
The village of Pobeda, Dobrich Region, celebrated International Roma Day with a concert held at the Probuda Community Centre.
Burgas Region
In the village of Gabar, Burgas Region, the dance group “Iglika” celebrated International Roma Day with a performance of the “Green Salad” chorus.
Vidin Region
At the Hristo Botev Primary School in Rakovitsa village, Vidin Region, the educational mediator Iveta Ivanova gave a lecture on the occasion of the International Roma Day. The documentary film “Roma Quixote”, in which the main character is Vasil Lechev, was screened. The memory of Roma victims of the Holocaust was honoured by throwing red tulips into the river Vidbol.
Rousse Region
The municipality of Slivo Pole also commemorated International Roma Day.
Veliko Tarnovo Region
In Veliko Tarnovo, Amalipe Centre celebrated the International Roma Day on 8 April, where a concert dedicated to the Roma community was organised. We would like to thank the musicians and singers who agreed to participate free of charge with a performance of traditional Roma songs. For more information, click here.
With a lot of positive emotions celebrated the 8th of April, the International Day of Roma in the primary school “Filip Totyu”, Varbovka village, where a school football tournament was held, organized by the CPLR. Pavlikeni, ICBPMN – town of Pavlikeni, CIEDT “Amalipe” and “Filip Totyu” primary school in Varbovka.
Teams from five schools in Pavlikeni Municipality took part in the tournament. Primary school “Filip Totyu”, village Varbovka, Primary school “Kl. Ohridski” village, Pavlikeni, School “Bacho Kiro”, Pavlikeni, School “Bacho Kiro”, Byala Cherkva, School “Sv. Sv. Cyril and Methodius”, village of Batak.
For the good performance and the good game all participants were awarded by the deputy mayor of Pavlikeni municipality – Eng. Albena Petrova.
Among the official guests were also Georgi Filippov, ICBPMN – town of Pavlikeni, Anton Antonov, Mayor of the village of Varbovka, Atanaska Petkova – Director of “Filip Totyu” Primary School, village of Varbovka, Reni Velkova of “Kliment Ohridski” Primary School, town of Pavlikeni. Nikolay Hristov, Bacho Kiro Primary School, Byala Cherkva.
Haskovo Region
In Primary School “Ivan Vazov”, village of Ustrem, Haskovo region, celebrated the International Roma Day with a festive program prepared by the educational mediators and the students.
Vratsa Region
The village of Krushovitsa, Vratsa region, celebrated International Roma Day with a number of initiatives.Educational mediator together with students from “Hristo Botev” Primary School, village of Krushovitsa, prepared a literary and musical program related to the history and lifestyle of Roma. Mrs. Valya Bercheva – Mayor of Miziya Municipality and Mr. Ivalin Todorov – Mayor of Krushovitsa village presented congratulatory addresses, handed them to the Educational Mediator – Radoslava Spasova, wishing health, success, well-being and prosperity to all.
“Sv. Sv. Cyril and Methodius”, Dobrolevo village, celebrated the day by making a bulletin board. Educational mediator Sylvia Pavlova prepared a presentation on the history of Roma who died in concentration camps during the Second World War and a performance of Roma dance by the school’s cheerleading squad.
The International Roma Day was celebrated in the primary school “Vasil Levski”, village of Rakevo. The pupils got acquainted with the details of its celebration and the history of Roma. Some of the pupils in the lower secondary stage performed the Abday folklore dance, and for the finale, the Romani and Bulgarian choirs performed in the school yard.
With songs and dances, the students from the “Elisaveta Bagriana” school in Byala Slatina celebrated the International Roma Day.
The initiatives on the occasion of the 8th of April – International Roma Day with students from the Hristo Botev Primary School, village of Krushovitsa, Vratsa region, continued under the title “Awakened people change the world”. On the initiative of the educational mediator Radoslava Spasova a talk was held with a successful Roma from the village of Krushovitsa on the topic “Education – the key to success”. We celebrated together with the talented children from the school in the village of Selanovtsi, made new friendships, filled with positive emotions and inspiration. The skit “Legend of Roma” was recreated, we sang, recited and danced hand in hand.
“Thank you Amalipe Center for the materials and everyone for the shared moments!Thank you to teacher’s assistant – Anelia Yordanova and to all the students for putting rehearsals first, despite their holidays. I love you!” – Radoslava Spasova, educational mediator
Yambol Region
On April 8th, the International Roma Day in the village of Kukorevo, Tundzha municipality, was celebrated by an educational mediator and health mediators from the municipality with skits and dances by the students from the school.We were honored by the mayor of the municipality Mr. Stavrev accompanied by the mayors of the villages.
Silistra Region
The children from the “Hristo Botev” Primary School, Alfatar, celebrated the International Roma Day – 8th April.
Pleven Region
Pupils from Hristo Smirnenski Secondary School in Gulyantsi celebrated International Roma Day.
Hristo Smirnenski Secondary School, Koynare, celebrated 8 April – International Roma Day with many initiatives, dances and songs in the school yard. The little students from 1st and 2nd grade presented their dance to the Mayor of the town Mr. Denislav Dinov.
Pazardzhik Region
The International Roma Day was celebrated at the Agriculture and Farming Secondary School in Septemvri.
Anka Georgieva, Mariela Assenova from VIII a class and Mitko Zlatkov from Xb class presented a short history about the origin of the holiday, the different Roma groups, their crafts and traditions, and information about the educational status of Roma.
The celebration started with the song “Djelem, Djelem” performed by Maria Vassileva and Gulten Ilieva.
Maria Vassileva read her essay, written on the occasion of the celebration, on the topic “The Romani language – the ancient window to the unknown world – a heritage of the centuries” to her classmates.
The celebration ended with a lot of music and dancing performed by Dancho Badev – VIII b class, Gergana Nikolova, Valentina Yancheva, Naska Bogdanova from VIII A class and Maria Vassileva from XI A class.
Sofia Region
The students of the primary school “St. Cyril and Methodius”, Ihtiman, celebrated the International Roma Day with a sports festival including relay games, folk ball, football and tug-of-war! In a sea of emotions, the winners received their prizes!
The International Roma Day was celebrated in the primary school “Vasil Levski”, village Vidrare.
The headmaster of the school read a greeting from Deyan Kolev – chairman of the board of CMET “Amalipe”. A group of students from the “Folklore of Ethnicities-Roma Folklore” with the leader Mrs. Boryana Nikolova introduced us with historical facts on the occasion of the day.
Plovdiv Region
A concert entitled “2 in 1 – an expectedly good combination” was held at the “Vasil Levski” Primary School in the village of Karadzhovo, dedicated to two holidays: 8th April – International Roma Day and Ramadan Bayram, which is celebrated by students who follow the religion of Islam. The program was prepared and presented by students from the “Ethnic Folklore in Bulgaria” group led by Maya Zdravkova and the 5th grade group led by Boycho Kochev.
The presenters gave brief information about the meaning and essence of the two major holidays.
For the participants of the program it was a day of tribute, reflection and sending messages of tolerance, unity, peace, beauty and love between people.