As a final event of the week dedicated to the International Roma Day, Amalipe Center held an online award ceremony for the winners of the contest “Girls with dreams – let’s turn the page” on Friday – April 9 from 14.00 through the platform The event was also broadcast live on the organization’s Facebook […]
April 8 is International Roma Day. It was proposed as such by the International Roma Union (Romani Union), and since 1992 has been recognized by the UN and the Council of Europe. Today, all European Union institutions recognize and even celebrate April 8 as International Roma Day. On this day, we honor the memory of […]
Most of the Bulgarian students will return to the classrooms on April 12. This became clear after the Minister of Health and the Minister of Education announced how the scheme for returning to face-to-face training, which Minister Valchev had discussed with Roma teachers on the occasion of a meeting on the occasion of the International […]
Amalipe Center observed the tradition of organizing a meeting of teachers and future pedagogues of Roma origin with the Minister of Education on the occasion of the International Roma Day on April 8 again this year. Due to the state of emergency, the meeting was held online through the Zoom platform. More than 70 teachers […]
This year Amalipe Center will keep the tradition to organize a meeting of teachers and educational mediators of Roma origin with the Minister of Education on the occasion of International Roma Day on April 8. Due to the state of emergency, the meeting will take place online via the Zoom platform on 7 April at […]
By Decision of the Council of Ministers No. 188 of 5 March 2021, 16 national programs have been approved, which will be implemented for the second consecutive year with no changes in the activities planned for implementation in the upcoming school year 2021/2022. Among them, NP 15 “PARTICIPATE AND CHANGE – THE PARENT, AN ACTIVE […]
The national programme “Participate and change – the parent, an active partner in school life” is aimed at building a partnership of mutual trust, respect and tolerance between parents, teachers and students. Building a partnership between the parent, the school as an institution and the teacher as the person closest to the children in this […]
After the extraordinary rise of the “Old devices for a New Beginning” campaign in 2020, we continue our efforts to provide a distance learning device to every child. Although measures have been weakened, students in many parts of the country are now learning online again. Obviously, in 2021, it will be necessary to move from […]
National meeting of educational mediators When: March 23 from 1:00 p.m. Location: Online The National Meeting of Educational Mediators is organized by the Amalipe Center for Interethnic Dialogue and Tolerance to: ● Exchange of experience between educational mediators from different settlements in Bulgaria ● Discuss the possibility of building a network of educational mediators to […]
Amalipe Center urges the Ministry of Education and Science and the Agency for Intelligent Growth Operational Program to extend the Support for Success project for another school year, increase the salaries of educational mediators and provide a bonus to educational mediators who work at the first line during the closure of schools in December 2020. […]