This September 15th has also passed. A very different first day of school. At the same time, despite all the news, one thing remains the same – the hundreds of children’s smiles that the school yard brought together. Although at a distance and with masks, you could see the excitement and happiness in the eyes […]
A very different school year awaits us, during which attendance form and distance learning in an electronic environment will alternate. The majority of students and teachers will start in person as classes, whole schools, districts and even the whole country will probably go periodically to distance learning. It will be possible for some children – […]
One hundred and thirty-nine are the young people from all over the country, who were supported by the Center for Interethnic Dialogue and Tolerance “Amalipe” in the school year 2019-2020. in completing their secondary education by purchasing bus transport tickets and textbooks. At the end of the second term, 20 of them received tablets under […]
Nearly 300 teachers and principals from all over the country, including Bulgarian schools abroad, university professors, mediators, and educational experts took part in the conference “Distance Learning in a Multicultural Environment”, organized by the Amalipe Center and the Department of Continuing Education and Qualification of Teachers (DCEQT) at the University of Veliko Tarnovo “St. St. […]
Nearly 300 teachers and principals from all over the country, including Bulgarian schools abroad, university professors, mediators and educational experts took part in the conference “Distance Learning in a Multicultural Environment”, organized by the Amalipe Center and the Department of Continuing Education and Qualification of Teachers (DCEQT) at the University of Veliko Tarnovo “St. St. […]
The National Assembly began discussing a draft law amending the Preschool and School Education Act proposed by the Council of Ministers. In essence, this will be the first major change in the education law, adopted five years ago and in force for four years. What do the proposed changes envisage? The changes are in four […]
Proposals of the Center for Interethnic Dialogue and Tolerance “Amalipe”, NGO “World without Borders” and Association “New Way” to the Bill for amendment and supplement of the Law for the pre-school and school education, № 002-01-22, submitted by the Council of Ministers on 19.06.2020 We support the proposed Law on Amendments to the Law on […]
The essay presented below is ranked First in the first age group – Essay category, within the competition “Girls with dreams – turn the page” of Amalipe Center and Zonta Club – Stara Zagora Author: Yana Valentinova Marinova, 14 years old, 7th grade student at the 75th primary school “Todor Kableshkov”, Sofia I am YANA […]
As we wrote earlier today, the winners of the competition “Girls with dreams: let’s turn the page”, initiated by Amalipe Center and Club Zonta – Stara Zagora are already clear. They were announced live on the Facebook group Amalipe – Veliko Tarnovo from 14.00, which you can see here. The ranked places were chosen by […]
Due to the state of emergency and the unexpected situation in which we found ourselves in the last more than 2 months, the entire team of Amalipe Center had to change the direction of their activities. We focused our efforts on the Old Devices for a New Beginning Campaign, in supporting educational mediators and schools […]