The List of Professions for Vocational Education and Training, updated by Order of the Minister of Education dated August 21, 2024, now includes the profession “Educational Mediation.” This allows vocational high schools and Vocational Training Centers (VTCs) to offer training in Level III Vocational Qualification in this field. This achievement is significant, as the initial […]
As a student, I was enthusiastic about studying philosophy from Plato’s dialogues. I was particularly influenced by the dialogues Phaedo, Phaedrus, and Symposium, in which Plato (through the voice of his teacher Socrates) argues for the immortality of the soul and discusses love. It’s normal—many teenagers wonder whether our souls are immortal, and everyone is […]
The Amalipe Center for Interethnic Dialogue and Tolerance strongly disagrees with the amendments to the Pre-school and School Education Act adopted by the 50th National Assembly on August 7, 2024. These changes prohibit “propaganda, popularization, and incitement in any form, directly or indirectly, of ideas and views related to non-traditional sexual orientation and/or defining gender […]
In moments like this, we realize how powerless and weak a person is before nature and its elements. We also understand how we need to unite and help each other, how we need one another. The fire is mighty and consumes everything in its path. The fight against the fires in different parts of the […]
This post will anger many in education. Some will recognize themselves, some will recognize their powerlessness and silence. Some of the rest will breathe a sigh of relief. Because the unfair practice of attracting students after the 7th grade is a public secret that has been going on for years: the promises are different, but […]
The recent 19th Children’s Roma Festival “Open Heart,” which took place on May 31 and June 1, 2024, in Veliko Tarnovo, succeeded in bringing together under one sky thousands of children, teachers, parents, and guests from across the country. From the first chords of the Roma anthem “Djelem, Djelem,” performed during the opening ceremony, to […]
Оnline “the bag of lies” seems bottomless, but it is also gathering increasingly difficult-to-uncover falsehoods. Today, there are countless websites that do not adhere to journalistic standards for fact-checking, and innumerable posts on social media where the control and self-control regarding truthfulness are diminished. These are fertile media spaces for planting a lie which, repeated […]
Over 150 principals from across the country participated in the annual Principals’ Meeting of the Professional Community for Intercultural Education. To talk with them came the Minister of Education prof. Tsokov, his Chief of Cabinet Natalia Mihalevska, and the Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee for Education and Science in the 49th National Assembly Krassimir Valchev, […]
Center Amalipe is glad to introduce its new report dedicated to the problems with disinformation spread within the Roma community. The report provides in-depth analysis and concrete examples of the ways in which fake news affects the daily lives and health of Roma in Bulgaria. Key themes in the report Disinformation, fake news and their […]
During the past academic year, the Amalipe Center managed to support 7 students in meeting their higher education expenses, thanks to the “I want to learn” fund. Some of them are already established professionals, all successfully completed their academic year, and continue to develop. Aiming to be helpful and to continue the initiative, we announce […]