Buying and selling education is a crime!

This post will anger many in education. Some will recognize themselves, some will recognize their powerlessness and silence. Some of the rest will breathe a sigh of relief. Because the unfair practice of attracting students after the 7th grade is a public secret that has been going on for years: the promises are different, but similar – they promise an easy graduation, occasional attendance, and, of course, a bright/easy future. In some places, this is accompanied by corresponding financial incentives. The target group is schools where parents are not motivated to encourage their children’s education.
Many teachers and principals complain about this unfair and vicious practice but are afraid to report it for fear of being punished. Despite the depoliticization of Bulgarian education, political protection continues to exist. This not only steals the future of children but also undermines the efforts of hundreds of principals, teachers, parents, and students who are trying to change education – to improve the quality of secondary education, to develop the schools they work or study in, to implement strategies aimed at increasing motivation for education. They speak, persuade, and show the results they have achieved to help students and parents make informed choices.
In recent years, we have become accustomed to making choices. It is up to us to show the children we work with that our opinion matters, that a free, informed choice is what truly makes us free and gives us a future.
If you are a witness or a victim of such unfair practices, write to us and fill out the form below!

Author: Teodora Krumova

Dear colleagues, dear parents,
This form was created by the Amalipe Center to counteract unfair practices in education. Responding to these practices is just as important and meaningful as our civic engagement and participation during elections, for example. Please describe carefully how the information can be verified.