Campaign toolkit  – Countering cyberhate against Roma:
A toolkit for civil society organizations and activists

Freedom from Hate is a two-year programme co-funded by the European Union (EU). It tests and evaluates effective counter-narrative campaigns targeting online hate speech against Roma communities in Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia, and across Europe. With far-right groups becoming increasingly prominent and xenophobic discourse on the rise, in recent years there has been a resurgence of hate speech against Roma. Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Hungary and Slovakia have some of the largest Roma communities in Europe proportionate to their populations and have seen extensive online hate speech against them. Counter-narrative campaigns are therefore urgently needed, and the public participation of Roma themselves, in particular through social media platforms, is fundamental.

This toolkit has been developed by Minority Rights Group Europe (MRGE) as a guide to identify hate speech and how to respond to it with counter-narratives.

The toolkit you can find here: download