By Order No. РД09-192 / 02.02.2018, the Ministry of Education and Science approved 7 training programs of the Amalipe Center for the improving the qualifications of pedagogical specialists:
1. Ethnic Folklore – Roma Folklore, UIN (unique identification number) 8785008
The program is based on the network of Amalipe Center “Every student will be a winner”, developed over the last 7 years in over 28/. 0 schools in the country. It is implemented in two main modules lasting 16 academic hours. The first module is aimed at getting acquainted with the history of the Roma with an emphasis on the history of the Roma in Bulgaria, presenting the main Roma groups and subgroups in Bulgaria with an emphasis on educational attitudes, presenting the main elements of Roma folklore and culture: fairytale folklore, calendar and family holidays, musical folklore, language and more. The second module includes presentation of teaching aids and notebooks for ethnic folklore training – Roma folklore, presentation of interactive pedagogical methods and techniques. The program prepares teachers to teach and organize Ethnic Folklore classes / activities in all stages in a variety of forms – such as facultative preparation, extended preparation, extracurricular activities, day-to-day organization, and more.
2. Intercultural education as a means of preventing school drop out, UIN 87850009
The program is implemented in two main modules lasting 16 academic hours. The first module is aimed at: – Getting to know the problems of dropping out and leaving school early; – Familiarization with the basic legislative, regulatory and strategic documents concerning drop out and early school leaving; – Presentation of successful practices for introducing intercultural education as a means of reducing school drop outs The second module includes: – Preparing a report on your own pedagogical practice for introducing intercultural education as a means of preventing and reducing school dropouts and early school leaving;
3. Pedagogical interaction in multicultural environment “Every student will be a winner”, UIN 87850010
It is implemented in two main modules lasting 16 academic hours. The first module is aimed at presenting the main Roma groups and the main elements of the Roma culture, as a means of enhancing the motivation of Roma children on the one hand to actively participate in the educational process and overcoming manifestations of intolerance. The second module involves the presentation of pedagogical methods and techniques for working in a multicultural environment
4. Pedagogical and Community Practices for Overcoming Early Marriages in the Roma Community, UIN 87850011
The program is implemented in two main modules lasting 16 academic hours. The first module addresses the phenomenon of ‘early marriages’ and its manifestation in the Roma community – the state of early marriages in different Roma groups; different approaches to dealing with the problem according to the specificity of the group. The second module includes an introduction to good practices for the prevention of early marriages.
5. Managing a multicultural school and making the school a community center, UIN 87850012
The program is implemented in three main modules lasting 32 academic hours. The first module includes the presentation of the main Roma groups and sub-groups in Bulgaria with an emphasis on educational attitudes, introduction to important elements of the legal and regulatory framework: innovative and unitied schools, State educational standards, public councils, anti-segregation texts in the Law on Education, etc. The second module involves presenting successful practices in managing a multicultural school and making the school a community center. The third module is aimed at presenting financial opportunities to support educational integration projects.
6. Working with parents in a multicultural environment: activating parents, UIN 87850013
The program is implemented in two main modules lasting 16 academic hours. The first module is aimed at presenting the main Roma groups and subgroups in Bulgaria with an emphasis on educational attitudes. The second module involves presenting successful practices for parental involvement and preparing a specific plan for parental involvement. Particular attention was paid to the constitution of a working Parent Club and the Public Council.
7. Every student will be a winner: practices for activating students and stimulating student activity, UIN 87850014
The program is implemented in two main modules lasting 16 academic hours. The first module is aimed at presenting the elements aimed at encouraging student activity and involving students in solving cases of other students at risk of dropping out: – Student Parliament. The difference in the model used by the Amalipe Center is that it encourages the inclusion of non-formal student leaders (some of them children with aggressive behavior). This is a way not only to deal with aggression, but also to encourage responsible behavior among young people – to develop the practice of student mentors – to organize youth volunteer clubs and to encourage student volunteering. The second module is aimed at designing individual programs for each school and developing the above elements (including the addition of new ones) according to the specifics of the particular school.
By Order No. РД09-335 / 16.01.2019 the Ministry of Education and Science approved 2 new training programs of the Amalipe Center for the improving the qualifications of pedagogical specialists:
8. Ideas for an innovative school, WIN 87850015
The program is based on the experience of the Amalipe Center for the introduction of innovation in school, as well as the practical experience of innovative schools in the network “Every student will be a winner”. It is implemented in two main modules lasting 16 academic hours. The first module is 8 hours: theoretical part – 4 hours, practical part – 4 hours. Second module – 8 hours: theoretical part – 2 hours, practical part – 6 hours. The first module is aimed at: – Familiarity with the legislation for innovative schools in Bulgaria and good practices for the implementation of innovative ideas in the Amalipe Center network. Innovation will be selected and structured to improve the effectiveness of the learning process, stimulate student participation and student activity, and adopt and develop a positive school environment. Particular attention will be paid to engaging the parent community as a partner in school life. Particular attention will be paid to the tracking and documentation of innovation, to the monitoring and evaluation system. The second module includes: – Presentation of innovative practical models from schools from EU countries. Each innovative practice will be presented through an analysis of its applicability to Bulgarian conditions. They will be related to the development and application of new pedagogical methods in the classroom, the introduction of e-school, improving the organization of school management and working with parents.
9. Interactive Education Network, UIN 87850016
The program will be implemented in two main modules with a total duration of 16 academic hours. First module – 4 hours theoretical part and 4 hours practical part. Second module – 2 hours theoretical part and 6 hours practical part. The program will introduce the project “E-School” – an online platform, divided into courses (classes), intended for students and teachers. Each course will publish innovative materials, developed tutorials, forums for students and teachers to participate. The platform will provide the ability to create and solve tests, tasks and surveys. An online self-assessment and evaluation system is available. Students will learn how to achieve: – A higher level of transparency of the educational process. – Secure access from anywhere in the world. – Improving discipline at school. – Publication of information, training and other materials (for self-study). – Access to relevant materials for all participants in the educational process published in the school libraries – Monitoring and effective management of teacher and student activity. – Optimizing the administrative process in the school. – Saving supplies, time, and financial resources, respectively, for both parents and the school.
By Order No. RD09-89 / 16.01.2020, the Ministry of Education and Science approved 4 training programs of the Amalipe Center for the improving the qualifications of pedagogical specialists:
10. Ethnic Folklore – Roma Folklore (extended program); UIN 87850017;
Number of qualifying credits: 2
The Ethnic Folklore – Roma Folklore Program is a product developed by the Amalipe Center over the last 15 years with the help of ten schools across the country, which has been implemented in over 250 schools. The training is implemented in four main modules with a total duration of 32 academic hours. First module – 8 hours. Theoretical part – 4 hours. Practical part – 4 hours. Second module – 8 hours. Theoretical part – 4 hours. Practical part – 4 hours. Third module – 8 hours, Theoretical part – 3 hours; practical – 5 hours. Fourth module – 8 hours – theoretical part 3 hours; practical – 5 hours. The first module is aimed at: – Getting to know the history of the Roma; – Presentation of the main Roma groups with an emphasis on educational attitudes; – Presentation of the basic elements of Roma folklore and culture: The second module includes: – Presentation of pedagogical materials, methods and techniques with emphasis on interactive methods and techniques; – Familiarity with the available Internet and electronic resources; Module 3: Guidelines for involving parents and organizing accompanying activities to record folklore and personal stories. Module Four: a complete change of learning environment, creation of one’s own space, creation of a museum of ethnicities. The program prepares teachers to teach and organize Ethnic Folklore classes / activities in all stages in a variety of forms – such as optional preparation, extended preparation, extracurricular activities, day-to-day organization, and more.
11. “Managing a Multicultural School and Introducing Innovation for Quality Improvement in a Multicultural Environment”, UIN 8750018
Number of qualifying credits: 3
The program is based on the Amalipe Center network, “Every Student Will Be a winner”, developed over the last 10 years in over 280 schools in the country. It is implemented in three main modules of 48 academic hours. First module – 16 hours. Theoretical part – 8 hours. Practical part – 8 hours. The second module – 16 hours, of which the theoretical part – 4 hours and the practical part – 12 hours. Third module – 16 hours. Theoretical part – 6 hours, practical part – 10 hours. The first module includes: – Presentation of the main Roma groups and subgroups in Bulgaria with an emphasis on educational attitudes; – Familiarization with important elements of the legal and regulatory framework: innovative and united schools, State educational standards, public councils, anti-segregation texts in Educational Law, etc. The second module includes: – Presentation of successful management practices of the multicultural school; innovative practices in Bulgaria and abroad that lead to quality improvement in a multicultural environment; – Prepare a specific plan for the introduction of innovation in the school in order to transform it into a stimulating, welcoming and stimulating environment. The third module is aimed at presenting financial opportunities to support educational integration projects; – acquaintance with the basic requirements in the preparation of project proposals; – guidelines for developing a specific project proposal. The program prepares leaders to effectively develop and manage schools for Roma students.
12. Student / Parent / Teacher Portfolio, UIN 8750019
Number of qualifying credits: 2
The program includes as a theoretical part that has been developed in accordance with the requirements of the Law on Pre-school and School Education, REGULATION № 15 of July 22, 2019, REGULATION № 12 of 01.09.2016 and others. and a practical one, which in turn is also divided into two parts: the presentation of good practices by the schools in the Amalipe Center network “Every student will be a winner”, developed over the last 10 years, which covers over 280 schools in the country and elaboration of the student / parent and / or teacher’s own portfolio. An innovative moment in the program is the development of a parent’s portfolio as a means of motivating parents and their active involvement in school life, a practice created by schools in the network. The program is implemented in two main modules lasting 32 academic hours. First module – 16 hours. Theoretical part – 8 hours. Practical part – 8 hours. Second module – 16 hours, of which the theoretical part – 8 hours and the practical part – 8 hours. The first module includes: – getting acquainted with the legal framework regarding the portfolio of the teacher and the student, the basic elements in creating and maintaining the portfolio of the student, the teacher and the parent, purpose, application. The second module includes: – Presentation of successful practices, practical preparation of a portfolio teacher, student and parent.
13. “Interaction with the Educational Mediator”, UIN 8750020
Number of qualifying credits: 2
The program presents the Amalipe Center’s experience of introducing an educational mediator and its use in working with students and parents from vulnerable groups. The training program includes: job description of the EM, relationships with the teaching staff, presentation and work with the package of documents and forms for the EM; presentation of the different activities that the educational mediator is involved in: Creating a database for the families of the students involved in the project: by door-to-door interviewing; Establishing a Parent Club in each school; Conducting parent lectures – a cycle of parent lectures; Individual work with parents who prevent their children from attending school regularly; Development of forms of parental monitoring of the quality of education and other forms of parental involvement; Ensures the involvement and effective participation of the local Roma community incl. the participation of Roma women, young people and informal Roma leaders; Organize – jointly with the relevant institutions – campaigns for the prevention of dropping out of school, campaigns for the prevention of early and forced marriages, campaigns for the prevention of abandonment of children in institutions, campaigns for raising the educational level, etc .; Performs field work – case detection, initial contac, keeping in touch, , information, guidance, mediation; Facilitates the process of communication between the local community and the people working in the institutions; and others.
The approved programs are entered in the information register of the approved training programs for upgrading the qualification of pedagogical specialists of the Ministry of Education and Science, in accordance with Art. 229 of the Pre-school and School Education Act.
Each training under the approved programs includes theoretical and practical part, study materials and a certificate issued with qualification credits in it and in accordance with Art. 48, para. 1, item 1 of Ordinance No. 12 of 01.09.2016. on the status and professional development of teachers, principals and other pedagogical professionals.
The lecturers are representatives of the academic community, highly qualified experts in the field of intercultural education and psychologists.
Training in approved programs can be applied for individually by each school on 062 / 600-224 and email: amalipe.edu@gmail.com, Tashko Kirilov
Amalipe Center will also announce training dates for those who wish to participate, information on which will be posted on the Amalipe Center website in due time