The Center for Interethnic Dialogue and Tolerance Amalipe, Bulgaria in partnership with Phiren Amenca International Network and RGDTS, Hungary is organizing a training course for young Roma and non-Roma activists on “Reinforcing Positive Narratives about Roma”. The training will take place in Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria between 6 and 10 June 2023. The deadline for applications is 7 May. Application form and more information: below


Antigypsyism has crucial negative consequences for the self-esteem, confidence, and identity of young Roma people. Roma people are generally portrayed as criminals, uneducated, poor etc. In the media, there is a misrepresentation and/or lack of representation of Roma culture and history in the national and European curricula. The negative consequences of antigypsyism that affect the identity of young Roma are too long. In past YAG trainings, we have focused on recognizing and combatting hate speech against Roma, learnt more about groups that face intersectional discrimination within the Roma communities and elsewhere, and also learned how young Roma can recognize their own internalized antigypsyism. In order to take a step forward to strengthen the Roma identity of Roma youngsters and therefore fight against antigypsyism, this current training will reinforce positive narratives about Roma and strengthen their Roma identity. Through personal stories, emblematic Roma heroes and heroines, emphasizing the valuable contributions of Roma in building European societies, and showcasing good examples for promoting Roma culture and traditions we plan to challenge narratives about Roma and eventually strengthen their Roma identity.

Objectives of the training course are:
This training course aims to reinforce positive narratives about Roma and strengthen the Roma identity of young Roma by:
– Showcasing practices, tools and methods to promote positive Roma narratives: School mediators; Roma Folklore classes; Roma children Festival “Open Heart”
– Sharing information about the “forgotten” contributions of Roma people to European societies
– Sharing personal stories of successful young Roma people
– Empower young Roma to become active agents of spreading the positive image of Roma through multiplication and personal stories.

Participants profile:
We invite youth activists (18–30 years) in particular members of the Roma minority, who are actively working against racism and for youth/community mobilization. Applicants should be residents of the EU27-countries.
Application procedure:
Please send your application by filling in the following application form:
Deadline: 8 May, 23.59 PM
Selection results will be sent by e-mail to all applicants after 10 May 2023