The day of “European Day of Languages” was celebrated in the town of Strazhitsa

On September 25, together with students from secondary school “Angel Karaliychev” Strazhitsa and educational mediator Irena Mihailova celebrated the “European Day of Languages”. Mihailova told the students that there are about 225 local languages ​​in Europe, which is about 3% of the world’s languages. Most European languages ​​are of Indo-European origin. From the end of the 18th century, the most common language in Europe was Russian, which replaced French. Counting only people whose native language is Russian, about 150 million speak Russian daily, followed by German – approx. 95 million, Turkish – approx. 80 million, English and French have about 65 million speakers each, Italian – 60 million, Spanish – 40 million, etc. The Bulgarian language is spoken by about 7 million in Bulgaria alone. In terms of language learning, English is the number one language learner in Europe, followed by German, French, Italian, Russian and Spanish.

The main objectives of the European Day of Languages ​​are:

Inform the public about the importance of learning foreign languages ​​and diversify the range of languages ​​studied in order to increase the level of multilingualism and intercultural understanding;

promotes the rich linguistic and cultural diversity in Europe;

Encourage foreign language learning at all ages, not only in schools but also outside them.

Following these rules, young and old are encouraged to start learning a language or to be proud of their existing language skills. Also, those responsible for providing access to language learning are encouraged to make language learning easier and more enjoyable, as well as to support policy initiatives to promote languages, said the educational mediator at the Amalipe Center for Interethnic Dialogue and Tolerance. Irena Mikhailova. Last but not least, the volunteers and students shared that they will continue to participate in the initiatives organized by Amalipe.