Center Amalipe and mediators from all over the country will celebrate the Day of Tolerance
Amalipe Center will once again celebrate the International Day of Tolerance on November 16, 2021 with numerous campaigns. The events are organized by the Centers for Community Development – structures of the Center “Amalipe”, formed in several municipalities, together with schools participating in the educational program “Every student will be a winner”, as well as volunteers, students, citizens, activists and friends.
Contact person:
Valery Angelov Roma Community Expert, 0882247945
Atanas Atanasov – Expert working with parents, 0882540209
Here are some of the places where the day will be celebrated:
On November 16th at 09:00 the educational mediator at Amalipe Center Irena Mihaylova will celebrate the International Day of Tolerance. She will distribute handmade paper clovers with the 10 golden rules of tolerance to students who are in attendance depending on their schedule for in-person and online education. Later, she will also talk to parents about life’s most valuable lessons – tolerance and kindness that can change lives. This is the way to the hearts of all people! The campaign will be conducted with masks and disinfectants and all measures will be taken for the safety of students and parents.
Educational mediator Angel Angelov will celebrate with students and parents the International Day of Tolerance in the Shumen School distributing information material related to the topic. He will also present a presentation on “What is tolerance” to the 8th grade students.
On 16 November the educational mediator will distribute to parents and children pre-made paper clovers on which are written the golden rules of tolerance. Children will have the opportunity to perform poems dedicated to the day and parents will discuss topics related to the 16th of November. The activities are carried out under Project BG05M9OP001-2.018-0032-2014BG05M2OP001-C01 “Smyadovo Municipality with Care for All”, funded by the Operational Programme “Science and Education for Smart Growth”, co-financed by the European Union through the European Structural and Investment Funds.
New Market
On the Day of Tolerance, mediator Aldin Stefanov from the municipality of Novi Pazar will distribute leaflets with information on tolerance. Volunteers will make a tolerance tree, inviting passers-by to write down what tolerance means to them nowadays.
On 16 November the educational mediator Stefan Stefanov will give a presentation to the sixth form students on the occasion of the “Day of Tolerance”. The lecture will take place at the “St. Kliment Ohridski” Primary School in Pavlikeni. Snezhana Stefanova – speech therapist at the school will also participate in the meeting. The activity is aimed at raising public awareness about significant and successful personalities of Roma origin, in order to make students look at the ethnic group not as a different community, but as part of the whole society and to form a lasting social continuity. Tolerance means respect, acceptance and understanding of the rich diversity of cultures in our world, of all forms of self-expression and the means of manifesting human individuality. Specially prepared flyers about tolerance, made by parents and volunteers, will be distributed to the citizens of the municipality of Pavlikeni, urging them to be tolerant towards each other.
In this way, the participants will be invited to take part in a series of actions aimed at promoting tolerance between the two countries.
Volunteers from the town of Byala Slatina will celebrate “Tolerance Day” on 16 November. On the occasion of the campaign, a debate will be organized to express the differences in school. The volunteers will be divided into two teams. Each of them will have the task to defend a certain thesis: For or against children with disabilities in school. One team has to convince the meaning of their rights, the other will be against. The idea is to come to a consensus in their decisions, to overcome differences in school. To finish, coming to a tolerant solution they will present the conclusions of the meeting. The volunteers also produce a poster depicting their decision.
с. Karadzhovo, region. Plovdiv
Educational mediator Boycho Kochev will once again celebrate the “Day of Tolerance” by presenting to parents and students a presentation – “What it means to be tolerant”, and later together with volunteers will make the tree of tolerance.
We want to emphasize that many other mediators who are in the network of educational mediators of the Center “Amalipe” will also celebrate the 16th under the motto: “What is tolerance”.
On the occasion of the day of tolerance – 16 November, we are organizing a youth webinar for student mentors and representatives of student parliaments. We will talk about what it is to be tolerant today and how good it is; there will be interactive games and a special – Dr. Miroslav Angelov. He will talk about his journey from the district of. “Hristo Botev” to the cardiology and Kovid ward; what difficulties he faced and what tolerance is for him.