Discrimination against Roma in Croatia and Bulgaria: A comparative report
This comparative report summarizes and analyses the findings of two pieces of research which were conducted in the framework of the ERELA project, coordinated by Minority Rights Group Europe (MRGE) with the participation of two partners – the Information Legal Centre in Croatia and the Centre for Interethnic Dialogue and Tolerance Amalipe in Bulgaria. The aim of the research was to map different areas of discrimination against the Roma and to identify the obstacles to their access to justice. During this period, various focus group interviews were organized in both countries with the participation of Roma men and women, Roma activists and civil society organizations (CSOs), and legal practitioners. The empirical research was completed with a review of the findings of the existing research data from previous years. The aim of this report is to summarize the findings of the empirical and desk research and to provide a comparative overview of the situation of Roma in Croatia and Bulgaria.
The report can be downloaded from here -> https://amalipe.bg/wp-content/uploads/2021/10/MRG_ERELA_Rep_EN_electronic-1.pdf