Educational mediators celebrated Mother Language Day

Karadjovo village

“The celebration of the Mother Language Day aims to show the linguistic diversity,” said Boycho Kochev – Educational Mediator in the village of Karadjovo. Language is a major factor in our identity, a way to preserve and develop our traditions, but also to pass them on to future generations. Every person’s mother tongue is sacred – honor, learn and spread your native language, because there is nothing greater than glorifying your people and language in front of the world! The International Mother Language Day stimulates the development in our country to express deep respect not only for our native language, but also for other languages.


town of Strazhitsa

On February 19 – the educational mediator Irena Mihailova at CIDT “Amalipe” together with the High School “Angel Karaliychev” Strazhitsa for another year celebrated the International Mother Language Day. The young people from the Student Council presented an interesting painted poster. The beautiful drawing shows the linguistic diversity of all the differences. The celebration of the campaign continued with a talk on the topic “Mother Tongue Day” with parents. There was a strong emphasis on Multilingualism and cultural diversity. Different types of costumes, different types of languages ​​of different ethnicities and cultures were discussed. “Language is a right that one has to fight for,” added the parents’ mediator. The meeting continued with the discussion that the mother tongue is a right, but also a responsibility, and February 21 is a day when we should all feel and realize our responsibility for our mother tongue. “Therefore, by preserving the linguistic richness of humanity, we also preserve ourselves, we preserve our identity and our dignity.” The International Mother Language Day announced by the General Conference of UNESCO on November 17, 1999. has been celebrated annually since 2000 in order to promote multilingualism and cultural diversity. This date was chosen to commemorate the event of February 21, 1952. When Dhaka, the capital of present-day Bangladesh, was shot dead by police officers, students took part in a demonstration in defense of their native language, Bengali, which demanded recognition as the country’s official language. Today, more than 6,000 languages ​​are spoken in the world.



The educational mediator Remzie Husseinova also celebrated the Mother Language Day together with children from the town of Smyadovo.

Resmie distributed information materials about this day in the Roma neighborhood and explained its significance and why it is celebrated. The educational mediator met with alumni of St. St. Cyril and Methodius in Smyadovo, where everyone had the opportunity to share about him what is his mother tongue in his family. The mediator provided the children with more information about the International Mother Language Day, when it was celebrated and why.



Today in the primary school “St. St. Cyril and Methodius ”in the village of Batak celebrated the International Mother Language Day. The activities are under project BG05M9OP001-2.018-0014-C01 “Integration of vulnerable groups in the municipality of Pavlikeni”, under procedure BG05M9OP001-2.018 “Socio-economic integration of vulnerable groups. Integrated measures for improving access to education ”- Component 1 implemented by CIDT“ Amalipe ”. Development of local communities and overcoming negative stereotypes.

A discussion was held with students on why this day is celebrated and what students know about it. The meeting was chaired by the educational mediator Stefan Stefanov.

Representatives of the student parliament, which was established at the school, also took an active part. Mother Language Day aimed to show the diversity of language. Language is a major factor in our identity, a way to preserve and develop our traditions, but also their transmission to future generations, said Stefan.