Schools can return all classes in which there is only one class, starting from Monday – February 15 (updated)
Schools in which V, VI, IX, X and XI classes have one class each can resume the attendance from Monday (15.02) or Tuesday (16.02). Also continues the face-to-face training for all primary grades, as well as for VII, VIII and XII grades. This is provided for in the Order of the Minister of Health, which supplements Order № RD-01-677 of 25.11.2020, amended. and ext. with Order № RD-01-718 of 18.12.2020, Order № RD-01-20 of 15.01.2021 and Order № RD-01-52 of 26.01.2021. The order has already been sent to the directors by the RWB. to create the necessary organization and to inform the school staff as well.
Eligible schools will be able to resume attendance on Monday or Tuesday. If in a school one of the indicated classes (V, VI, IX, X and XI class) has more than one class, the students from this class will continue to study remotely in an electronic environment according to the pre-planned rotation principle. The other classes from the same school, which have one class each, will be able to return to the classrooms on Monday or Tuesday, depending on how quickly they can set up an organization for a full-time face-to-face learning process.
Classes must be conducted in compliance with all anti-epidemic measures and in accordance with the Guidelines prepared by the Ministry of Education and Science and the Ministry of Health for the operation of the system of preschool and school education in the school year 2020-2021 in the conditions of COVID-19.
The Amalipe Center welcomes the change, which will allow thousands of students to return to classrooms without complicating the anti-epidemic situation. A survey of the organization among 233 schools on the Network “Every student will be an excellent student”, published a week ago, clearly showed that in schools with a small number of students, anti-epidemic measures are extremely strict and most of them have sufficient building stock to allow distance for social distance in class and in common areas.
The predominant number of schools participating in the survey have a minimum of 2 floors, and 67 schools have 2 or more buildings. Only 18 schools indicated that their buildings had only one floor. This shows that the majority of the surveyed schools have large buildings, and given that the number of students in them is smaller, as can be seen from the data below, they have a purely mathematical ability to ensure compliance with the distance and a larger area per student, in contrast to some schools in large cities with a large class size. There is a large accumulation of students in a small space, but which will be difficult to overcome with the introduction of the current mechanism, because it does not reduce the number of students who are in the same classroom at the same time. Ie it is possible in small settlements, even when returning all students in person, to provide distance, not to be clustered in one place and to apply all anti-epidemic measures. Moreover, if the size of a classroom is about 48-50 square meters, and the average number of students in a class in the schools participating in the study is 16.3, as the results show, then the average number of students per student is 3 square meters. .m., which is more than the set standard of 2 sq.m for an area for 1 place according to Ordinance RD-02-20-3 of 2105, amended. and supplemented in SG, issue 78/2020.