In 2011, the European Commission approved for the first time the EU Framework for National Roma Integration Strategies, with the aim of improving the living conditions of this vulnerable community by 2020. The evaluation of the implementation of this framework highlighted that education was the area with the most significant progress, particularly through the reduction […]
The Amalipe Center not only supports young Roma in completing higher education but also encourages them to share their stories and experiences to motivate other young people and their parents. Our mission is to show that success is possible for everyone, regardless of background or circumstances. Change begins with inspiration Our new initiative, presented in […]
On April 8th, Veliko Tarnovo became a center for tribute and praise to Roma culture. On the occasion of the International Roma Day, Amalipe Center organized activities dedicated to the diversity and richness of Roma culture. The initiatives began with a ceremony of placing flowers in Yantra River as a sign of sympathy for the […]
Representatives of OSCE – ODIHR and other OSCE institutions, delegations of several member states and NGOs took part in the launching event of the Forth Status Report Implementation of the Action Plan on Improving the Situation of Roma and Sinti within the OSCE Area. The event took place in Vienna on December 8th. Center Amalipe […]
Center for Interethnic Dialogue and Tolerance “Amalipe”, Bulgaria, in partnership with the International Network “Phiren Amenca” and RGDTS, Hungary, organized a training for young Roma and non-Roma activists on “Strengthening positive narratives about Roma”. The training took place in Veliko Tarnovo, Bulgaria, between 6 and 10 June 2023, and was held in parallel with the […]
Phiren Amenca International Network, RGDTS, and Center Amalipe are organizing the second training under the YAG project (Youth Against Antigypsyism). The training will take place in Pecs (Hungary) during the Pecs Pride on 14-18 September, 2022. We are inviting Roma and non-Roma young people to learn and share experience about their intersecting identities, challenges they […]
Hundreds of Roma women and children from Ukraine are currently trapped in the war in Ukraine and Moldova. They cannot continue to other countries or seek shelter due to lack of documents. And so the most vulnerable become even more vulnerable. Fellow volunteers from NGOs in Ukraine, Moldova and Romania have been supporting them for […]
Amalipe Center expresses its indignation at the police operation held on November 5 at the home of the parents of the candidate for MP Lalo Kamenov in the town of Lom. We are also concerned about the manner in which many similar actions are being conducted in the Roma neighborhoods of Ruse, Burgas, Varna, Plovdiv […]
For the first time, the post of “Minister (without Portfolio) for Roma Affairs” is being created. For the first time, a Roma woman has been nominated for a ministerial position. The introduction of the position of “Minister (without Portfolio) on Roma Affairs” is a step that could accelerate the integration process, but at the same […]
A year ago, the Center for Interethnic Dialogue and Tolerance “Amalipe” and Zonta Club Stara Zagora organized a student competition “Girls with dreams – to turn the page.” The topic of the competition was related to overcoming harmful traditional practices, including the so-called “Early marriages” and the pursuit of dreams. The aim of the competition […]