The return to face-to-face teaching in the primary grades. Key questions and answers for testing.
In the first week in which primary school students were given the opportunity to return to full-time education after testing for Kovid-19 at school, nearly 52,000 students in over 3,500 classes took advantage of this opportunity. They are located in Sofia and twelve other districts. The remaining districts will get this option from this week after the so-called “child-friendly” tests were delivered to them as well.
In order to facilitate the process of returning to face-to-face education, Amalipe Center provides below a summary of questions and answers to the most frequently asked testing questions.
What are the tests?
The tests will be of two types. In the first option, the child salivates into a bag that is mixed with a reagent, shaken, and three drops of the liquid are placed on the tile for a score. The procedure is similar for the second test, where a cone is used instead of a bag.
Are the tests painful for children?
Absolutely not! They are completely safe, painless and child-friendly. The test does not penetrate the child’s nose or mouth, the child only salivates.
On which days of the week will the testing take place?
On Mondays and Thursdays, and if the week starts on a Tuesday – on Tuesdays and Thursdays. If the school week begins on a Wednesday, students will only be tested once – on Wednesday.
What will be done if a child tests positive?
If the result is positive, the student will be separated to a special room and the parents should pick up the student as soon as possible and take them to a personal physician or laboratory for a PCR or antigen test. Only on confirmation of a positive result by PCR/antigen test is their pupil considered Covid. In this case the student and their class will be quarantined. In the event of a negative result on the second test, the student may return to school and their absences are considered excused.
Is there a possibility that if a child has symptoms of ordinary influenza, the tests will show a positive result for COVID-19?
Absolutely not. COVID-19 and influenza are completely different illnesses and there can be no confusion in the test.
If a child tests positive at school, and the child came in on the school bus with other children from other classes, the teacher on duty and the driver, does that mean they are all contacts and should be quarantined?
On school buses, students need to travel with a mask. Therefore, the other children on the bus, the teacher on duty and the driver will not be quarantined. Only the student’s class is quarantined.
Do all children have to be tested at school; can they be tested at home?
Only SEN children can be tested at home. For others, testing at school is mandatory. Once again, testing is absolutely painless and safe for children.
Where does the testing take place?
Only at school.
Does the child need to be off food for 30 minutes before testing?
Half an hour before testing, children should not ingest food or drink, not even water. This is important in order for the test to be valid and report a result.
If the test comes out invalid, does that mean a second test has to be done?
Yes, a second test is currently being done.
Who can participate in testing children?
At least two adults participate. One is the class teacher and the other may be a facilitator, parent or other teaching or non-teaching staff who has a green certificate.
You as a parent can also volunteer if you have a green certificate.
Which children will be exempt from testing?
All children will be tested with the exception of children who have documentation that they have had COVID-19. This means that their illness must have been recorded by a laboratory test from the regional health inspectorate (RHI). Students who have been vaccinated against COVID-19 – they are in junior high and high school classes – will also be exempt from testing.