The student parliament in “Ivan Vazov” secondary school, Mezdra, with another initiative

“Shared by the Regional Coordinator” section

Another initiative by and for the school community was held at “Ivan Vazov” Secondary School – Mezdra, part of the “Amalipe” school network. The activity is part of planned events and aims to promote the possibility of sharing and support offered by the National Children’s Helpline 116111, managed and administered by the State Child Protection Agency.

In each of the classes, short presentations were made about the activity that the national line fulfills, namely to provide a safe space for sharing, reducing the force of action of experienced unwanted thoughts and providing psychological help. The students also received additional information about the existing services in the country for identifying and providing support to children at risk with full confidentiality.

The initiative, organized by the Student Parliament, also included the distribution of thematic posters and placement of advertising materials on the information boards in the school corridors.




The “Every student will be a winner” network includes 287 educational institutions from all over the country that have united in achieving the goals of the Amalipe Center program and supported by the Trust for a Social Alternative. The goals include: dropout prevention and retention of all students in school, increasing the number of reintegrated/re-enrolled children, increasing the number of Roma adults involved in forms of lifelong learning, significantly increasing the percentage of Roma youth, who continue their education in secondary schools/high schools, active involvement of parents in school life.