News in the regulatory and financial framework for educational mediators

Educational mediators are now part of the Collective Labor Agreement, guaranteeing them not only certain social benefits but also making them an integral part of the collectives within the respective educational institutions. The funding regulation provides special funds for the appointment of around 1300 educational mediators, teacher assistants, and social workers in schools and kindergartens with a focus on vulnerable groups. These developments offer a real chance to achieve institutional stability in this position and are undoubtedly a significant progress compared to the uncertainty about its future half a year ago. What do the specifics of these news entail?

On December 28, 2023, the Ministry of Education and social partners signed the new Collective Labor Agreement for the pre-school and school education system. For the first time, it regulates and defines social benefits for educational mediators. For example, Article 28, paragraph 1, requires educational mediators, teacher assistants, and similar professions to receive a minimum of 105% of the minimum monthly wage. This, of course, is the minimum – the respective director may provide a significantly higher salary depending on the capabilities of the school/kindergarten. Moreover, the standard set in the funds under Article 52a of the Funding Regulation – 1333 BGN per month – also implies a higher salary. A positive practice in some schools is to provide a significantly higher salary to their educational mediators if they are satisfied with their performance.

The inclusion of mediators in the Collective Labor Agreement brings many other benefits. They can and should receive performance bonuses in a way regulated for non-pedagogical staff. This means that mediators/teacher assistants/social workers in education will receive an additional salary. They are also entitled to a 3% annual salary increase, performance-based pay, and other benefits negotiated through the collective labor agreement.

But the most important consequence of including educational mediators in the Collective Labor Agreement is that they become an integral part of the collective within the respective educational institution. This is a significant achievement, considering that initially, most mediators were appointed through projects (Support for Success and others), and for a long time, directors and pedagogical teams perceived them as a temporary but highly valuable position. Just a few months ago, the Ministry of Education did not even intend to continue the National Program “Support for Educational Mediators and Social Workers,” which would have led to the dismissal of hundreds of mediators and the gradual demise of the position. Active advocacy by Amalipe and the subsequent support from all social partners, dozens of organizations and institutions, as well as the intervention of the Education and Science Committee of the National Assembly, led to urgent changes in the Funding Regulation, providing the necessary resources for the appointment of educational mediators.

The importance of including educational mediators in the Collective Labor Agreement was emphasized by Minister of Education Prof. Tzokov during the “Educational Mediator of the Year” ceremony held at the Ministry of Education on January 11, 2024. More information can be found here:

As of January 1, 2024, the special resource for appointing educational mediators, teacher assistants, and social workers provided by paragraph 4 of Article 52a of the Funding Regulation comes into effect. In the second half of 2023, this resource was provided only to schools and kindergartens that had appointed and included in the staff educational mediators or social workers in the National electronic information system for preschool and school education. As of January 1, 2024, the resource under Article 52a, paragraph 4 is provided to all schools and kindergartens with a concentration of vulnerable groups.

The amount of funding that the Ministry of Education will provide for one full-time educational mediator, social worker, or teacher assistant in 2024 will be 16,000 BGN, i.e., 1333 BGN per month. Different educational institutions will receive funding for a different number of mediators depending on the number of children/students and the vulnerability group (from groups 1-5), as follows: [details of the funding distribution].


Regarding this amount, several important points should be emphasized:

  1. Funding applies for the period from January 1, 2024, to December 31, 2024. The order of the Minister of Education with the specific allocation of funds for working with vulnerable groups in schools should be published by February 28, 2024 (Historically, it has been published in April or May). However, the provided funds apply retroactively to January.
  2. The funds for educational mediators, teacher assistants, and social workers cannot be used for anything else. Conversely (redirecting other funds for working with vulnerable groups towards the salaries of educational mediators) is permissible – according to Article 7 of Article 52a. In other words, the funds that your school/kindergarten will receive in 2024 for appointing educational mediators can only be used for that purpose. It is crucial to promptly appoint an educational mediator (if you do not already have one).
  3. As seen from the table above, the numbers of mediators supported by the Funding Regulation are problematic primarily in schools/kindergartens with a small number of students. In some of them, the respective educational institution will receive 8000 BGN or even 4000 BGN per year to appoint an educational mediator. Undoubtedly, this is not sufficient. You can use the opportunities of the “Success for You” project: under activity 2, the school is allowed to request reimbursement of up to 550 BGN for up to 4 hours of daily work. Thus, combining the funds under the Funding Regulation and “Success for You” will provide you with the opportunity to appoint a full-time educational mediator.
  4. For schools that have one or more educational mediators according to Article 52a, paragraph 4, and do not participate in the “Success for You” project, the project is a very good opportunity to increase the salaries of educational mediators, as the additional 550 BGN cannot be used for anything else.
  5. If your school has a concentration of vulnerable groups, has only half the number according to Article 52a, paragraph 4, and does not participate in the “Success for You” project, you can use the remaining funds for working with vulnerable groups to appoint educational mediators to the entire staff.
  6. An important update in the Funding Regulation is that the funds provided for working with vulnerable groups cannot be spent in the following years. The funds that are not used will be deducted from the funding under Article 52a for the next year. Initially, the version of Article 8 to Article 52a, approved by Order No. 98/07.07.2023, envisaged this to happen from 2023. Amalipe Center initiated an advocacy campaign for a change in this requirement, especially given that the funds for 2023 were provided only at the end of October. The Ministry of Education responded to this request by proposing a change in the Funding Regulation, postponing the implementation of Article 8 by 1 year.
  7. Note: The funds you receive under Article 52a in 2024 must be used by the end of the year! An additional requirement for the funds for appointing educational mediators is that, as of January 1, 2025, the respective educational institution must have appointed and registered in the National electronic information system for preschool and school education an educational mediator, teacher assistant, and/or social worker. If you had one by December but they were dismissed or left, and you do not have a new colleague by January 1, 2025, you will not receive resources for 2025!

Amalipe Center urges schools and kindergartens with a concentration of vulnerable groups to appoint educational mediators as early as January – do not delay until the minister’s order is published or until you receive the funds into the school/kindergarten’s account. Your objective interest is to appoint an educational mediator/s as early as January!

Image by Firmbee from Pixabay

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The Council of Ministers approved the changes in the Financing Ordinance, which guarantee the long-awaited funding for educational mediators