Let’s help Michaela’s family and the people of Voden

In moments like this, we realize how powerless and weak a person is before nature and its elements. We also understand how we need to unite and help each other, how we need one another. The fire is mighty and consumes everything in its path. The fight against the fires in different parts of the […]

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To reach out to a friend in need

Dear friends and colleagues, The first day of September this year was marked by the beginning of a new stage of challenges and unknowns, as well as with the hope that everything is fixable and with joint efforts we can overcome any crisis. Apart from the global pandemic we are in, this also applies to […]

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Help from children for children! “There is always time for good deeds and there is always opportunity”

Young people were inspired by the theme “Volunteering – Leadership – Community Change”, which was part of a series of trainings that Amalipe Center conducts for student mentors, part of the project “Every student will be excellent – 3”, funded by the Trust for Social Alternative. As part of the homework announced during the webinar, […]

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