Dear readers, in these difficult days, however, you can always find a dose of happiness that is found in your villages, cities, and why not homes. Today’s article is about what it is like to be an educational mediator during a state of emergency. Some people downplay their work, others do not understand it and others […]
The last days have been hard and difficult for all of us. We have to dramatically change our daily lives, get air-conditioned, and be mobilized and responsible. We have to give up our lives for some time being as we used to be. And it’s not easy for anyone. But while for some of us […]
With all the information we are currently flooding, it’s hard to stay calm. It is difficult to be positive when you constantly listen to black statistics and every news and talk is related to COVID-19. Of course, it is quite normal for us to be interested and to be informed, and so it should be. […]
Dear parents, From 16 March to 30 March, schools and kindergartens will be providing distance learning. This is very important for your children and today they need even more of your support to keep up with school and to handle it so that you can be proud of them! What does distance learning mean in […]
Starting Monday, March 16, 2020, all schools must introduce distance learning. This is an open opportunity that not only should we not be scared of, but we can also use to do in school what over the rest of the time, fulfilling thousands of requirements and regulations, we are unable to find time for a […]
Talk on educational segregation in Samokov and on prevention of secondary segregation was held at the Ministry of Education and Science on February 14th. It was initiated by the Minister of Education Krasimir Valchev and it was also attended by the principals of all schools in Samokov municipality, the mayor of the municipality Vladimir Georgiev, […]
Schools need to work in networks, partner with each other and with all the important factors in education, and be innovative in order to meet students\\\’ real needs. Increasing teacher salaries will continue to be a key priority, with the Bulgarian teacher taking at least 120 percent of the average salary. In parallel, we will invest in […]
The snowstorms and the cold weather did not prevent nearly 200 school principals from across the country to gather together at the National Meeting of Board of Principals for Intercultural Education “Every student will be a winner” network. It was organized on 6th and 7th of February by center Amalipe in Sofia. To talk with the principals of schools the meeting was attended by the Minister of Education Krassimir Valchev, Boris […]
Representatives of Amalipe Center met with US Ambassador HE. Herro Mustafa on January 14th. Deyan Kolev and Teodora Krumova talked with Ambassador Mustafa about the situation of the Roma community in Bulgaria, the main challenges facing Roma integration policies and the possible partnership support from the Diplomatic Corps to address the main challenges facing Roma in Bulgaria. […]
“If you educate a boy, you educate only him. If you educate a girl, you educate the whole community. “ HE Florence Robin, Ambassador of the French Republic to Bulgaria Unfortunately, today there are still girls who do not even know how to dream. They have many barriers – some of them are set […]