“Nobody wants to pay attention to me anymore, everyone thinks I’m crazy.” “I’m afraid that if something happens, people will just watch without anyone taking action.” “I felt alone, I felt offended, crushed, with no one to help me.” “He beat me to keep quiet, and I kept quiet because of my children, because we […]
Today is not only about celebrating tolerance, but also about sharing the good, passing it on. That’s why we will share with you the short story of the educational mediator Fatme Arslan from PGTST “Gotse Delchev” in Plovdiv: “What is tolerance? The ability to understand, accept and respect different cultures in our world, the ability […]
Dear readers, Center Amalipe was one of the first organizations that applied the pilot model for community moderators and later educational mediators. In the process of work, it became very clear how great is the need for the quick inclusion of educational mediators in the teaching teams of schools with a large percentage of school […]
Amalipe Center will once again celebrate the International Day of Tolerance on November 16, 2021 with numerous campaigns. The events are organized by the Centers for Community Development – structures of the Center “Amalipe”, formed in several municipalities, together with schools participating in the educational program “Every student will be a winner”, as well as […]
Educational mediators managed to convince over 60% of parents among vulnerable groups to get their children tested and back to school! For a week they have been going door to door to explain to parents among the Roma community and other minority groups what testing is and why it is important to get children back […]
Center “Amalipe” is pleased to inform you that it organizes an online meeting on “Prerequisites and opportunities for attendance training – the role of parents”, designed for representatives of parent clubs, active parents and educational mediators. The meeting will take place on 11 November at 14:00 on the ZOOM video chat platform. In connection with […]
Dear readers, Center Amalipe was one of the first organizations that applied the pilot model for community moderators and later educational mediators. In the process of work, it became very clear how great is the need for the quick inclusion of educational mediators in the teaching teams of schools with a large percentage of school […]
86% of Roma in Bulgaria do not report cases of discrimination and 72% of Roma do not know if there is a law prohibiting discrimination. This is clear from the report “Discrimination against Roma in Croatia and Bulgaria”, which was prepared by Center Amalipe (for Bulgaria), the Information and Legal Centre in Croatia and Minority […]
Dear readers, Center Amalipe was one of the first organizations that applied the pilot model for community moderators and later educational mediators. In the process of work, it became very clear how great is the need for the quick inclusion of educational mediators in the teaching teams of schools with a large percentage of school […]
This comparative report summarizes and analyses the findings of two pieces of research which were conducted in the framework of the ERELA project, coordinated by Minority Rights Group Europe (MRGE) with the participation of two partners – the Information Legal Centre in Croatia and the Centre for Interethnic Dialogue and Tolerance Amalipe in Bulgaria. The […]