RADIRIGHTS Resistance Against Disinformation For Democratic Rights
About the project:
To strengthen resistance to disinformation and the political manipulation of Roma communities in four EU countries, this project will map the creation and spread of disinformation, fake news and manipulative political messages in segregated Roma communities, run empowerment activities, and prepare communications recommendations to help Roma reflect on the information they consume and to critique political messages. The aim is for Roma to be more active in democratic decision-making, in voting, and in speaking in democratic debate. Society as a whole is an indirect target group. The communications part of the project will reveal the manipulative actions happening and will show how disinformed people become dissuaded from exercising their democratic rights. Romani women are a main target group as their exercise of their democratic rights is even more vulnerable to manipulation.
Direct target groups
• Roma communities in the four countries;
• NGOs working in/with Roma communities Civil society associations or local NGOs working in social services, humanitarian and welfare activities that may support varied forms of community bonding and civic and democratic participation;
• Media;
• Schools (youngsters aged 14-18).
Indirect target groups
• Non-involved Roma groups and related non-Roma communities;
• NGOs not directly involved in the project will be reached through networks in which our partner organisations are involved;
• Research institutions in culture and education, in relation to cultural learning development and civil society capacity building;
• Teachers, institutions of learning, youth organisations, students.
The most important change will be more awareness about democratic politics among Roma communities and the strengthening of their public activity. The precondition is that they be better informed on issues that affect their lives, not subject to disinformation and manipulation. They will learn how to obtain information from multiple sources, how to reflect on it, and how to become part of the social discourse. Women will receive attention due to the pressure from specific topics (e.g., maternity care) and social roles. The long-term goal is to change the passive role of Roma women. This is achieved by presenting active female roles (and actors) and involving women and girls as stakeholders.
ROMEA – Czech Republic
FAGiC – (Catalonia) Spain
Center Amalipe – Bulgaria
The project is funded by the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values Programme (CERV).